Arnasli Yahya

PhD student


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Calculus 1 for Informaticians BMETE90AX21/EN0-2
M. 10:15-12:00 (R516)
Tu. 10:15-12:00 (R516)
Calculus 1 for Informaticians BMETE90AX21/EN1-2
W. 10:15-12:00 (R508)


2020/2021-2 : BMETETOPB22 Basic Mathematics 2: Algebra Part

2021/2022-1 : BMETETOPB22 Basic Mathematics 1: Geometry Part

2022/2023-1: BMETE90AX21-Analysis 1 for IT professionals

2022/2023-2: BMETE90AX02-Mathematics A2a - Vector Functions




Publications and citations:

I am currently working on Sphere Packings in Hyperbolic Geometry. The 'Spheres' are Classical Spheres, Horospheres, and Hyperspheres. I am also interested in the problem of optimal circles on the discontinuous (Coxeter) groups.

Most important publications

  1. Yahya, A., & Szirmai, J. (2023). Geodesic ball packings generated by rotations and monotonicity behavior of their densities in $\mathbf {H}^ 2\!\times\!\mathbf {R} $ space. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12260,
  2. Arnasli Yahya & Jenő Szirmai (2023) Optimal Ball and Horoball Packings Generated by Simply Truncated Coxeter Orthoschemes with Parallel Faces in Hyperbolic n-space for $4 \leq n \leq 6$, Arxiv preprint,
  3. Yahya, A. (2023). On Problem of Best Circle to Discontinuous Groups in Hyperbolic Plane. Mathematical Communications, 28, 121-140.
  4. Szirmai, J., & Yahya, A. (2023). Optimal ball and horoball packings generated by 3-dimensional simply truncated Coxeter orthoschemes with parallel faces. Quaestiones Mathematicae46(5), 1017-1037., DOI: 10.2989/16073606.2022.2048317
  5. Yahya, A., & Szirmai, J. (2021). Visualization of Sphere and Horosphere Packings Related to Coxeter Tilings by Simply Truncated Orthoschemes with Parallel Faces. KoG25(25), 64-71.