Moodle Tips and Tricks for Mathematics Instruction

2024. 12. 10. 10:30
Bevin Maultsby (NCSU)

As mathematicians, we aim to cultivate learning environments that promote understanding and engagement among our students. Moodle offers a range of useful tools to support these objectives, whether we're teaching large or small classes, in person or online. It also provides opportunities to align our teaching with modern student habits such as the preference for on-demand resources and interactive, self-paced learning. In this talk, I will share recent strategies for using Moodle to enhance mathematics instruction, with a focus on creating flexible course structures and designing interactive assessments. Drawing on my experience as a teaching professor and online course coordinator, I will show some specific examples of how Moodle has been used to support learning objectives and improve student outcomes. Attendees will leave with practical tips and ideas for making the most of Moodle in their own teaching practice.