Computational Geometry requirements

Code: BMETE94AM30;
Requirements: 3/1/0/V/4;
Semester: 2023/24/2;
Language: English;
Instructor: Balla-Seethalerné Béla Szilvia

Midterm requirements:

During the semester, one can achieve a total of 50 points by writing a test (max. 30 points) and completing two homework assignments (max. 2x10 points). The condition for the signature is to complete at least 30%  (15 points) of the midterm tasks by the end of the semester.


During the examination term, an additional 50 points can be obtained in the oral exam. By adding the midterm and exam points, the final grade is calculated as follows:

  • 100-85= excellent(5),
  • 84-70= good(4),
  • 69-55= satisfactory(3),
  • 54-40= pass(2),
  • 39-   = fail(1).

Consultation: by appointment.

Recommended literature:

[1] Szirmay-Kalos László: Számítógépes grafika, ComputerBooks, 1999.

[2] Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes: Computer Graphics principles and practice, Addison-Wesley, 1990.

[3] Boehm, Prautzsch: Geometric Concepts for Geometric Design, Taylor & Francis, 1994.

[4] de Berg, Kreveld, Overmars, Schwarzkopf: Computational Geometry, Springer-Verlag, 2010.